India’s first large-scale commercial demonstration of long-spanned 28 cubic meters of Douglas fir glued laminated beams.
As a centre of excellence in architecture, design and engineering, the university recognized an opportunity to create an inspirational space for students by introducing engineered wood products from Canada's sustainably managed forests, in the construction of a new teaching space - the Centre of Excellence Workshop. Glue-laminated timber or glulam is an engineered wood product comprised of layers of dimensional lumber bonded together with structural adhesives. A highly innovative construction material, the resulting product is versatile and can be manufactured into various shapes including arches to produce visually stunning, durable and environmentally friendly construction solutions. While the arches are the structure’s focal point, the workshop also features extensive use of Douglas fir, western hemlock and yellow cedar in a range of structural and interior applications including beams, purlins, fascia, partitions, doors and doorframes, window frames, trims, wall framing, false ceilings and wall panelling.To continue reading, download the PDF. Click here to log in or register