• Douglas Fir Planks Ceiling Wood for Interiors and Structural Purposes

    Breathe life Into Structures with Wood’s Natural Beauty

    20 Oct, 2018
    “Wood is universally beautiful to man. It is the most humanly intimate of all materials.” - Frank Lloyd Wright Rich look, fine texture, contemporary style, and comforting warmth; wood offers you all of this and more. From dramatic wooden stairs to sturdy gazebos, from elegant doors to durable outdoor structures, wood has found its placeRead more
  • Canadian Pine Wood - Significance of Wood For Sustainable Structures

    Wood – A Natural Choice for Green Buildings

    28 Sep, 2018
    Wood, a versatile raw material, is nature’s gift to mankind. The warmth, natural beauty, structural, economic and environmental benefits provided by wood is incomparable. History identifies wood as an excellent fuel and an essential raw material for wood structures. However, a lesser-known fact about wood is that it is now a recommended raw material forRead more